Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Reformation 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Reformation

Happy Reformation! Oh, I know you don't get that much do you.  Today we celebrate the historic and important event of Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses of Christian faith on the door of the Wittenburg church. The next day, All Saint's Day, would be a significant Mass and everyone would see his posting. Significant event for those of us in the protestant denominations of Christendom. We celebrated tonight by going to a local church and "going around the world" to peek into the lives and sacrifices of early reformers. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss, William Tyndale, Wycliffe...... Fun time for all and educational too. :)

Oh, and the wearin' of the ORANGE. Yep, that too is reformation. William of Orange of Scottland the champion of the protestant faith in Ireland.

Well, I can't really help it. Dave is descended from French Huguenots (persecuted protestants) and I am descended from early English, German and Irish Protestants. It's sort of in the blood.
But, religion is not the aim, nor is it the primary focus here. While it holds my world view, it starts much deeper than that. The first reformer Jesus Christ is the author of it all and the base of my world view and faith. It's not about doing - it is about being, being God's. The great story of Redemption.

The basic tenants of the Protestant Reformation:
Scripture Alone- Sola Scriptura, Faith Alone-Sola Fide, Christ Alone-Sola Christus, Grace Alone-Sola Gratsia, Glory to God Alone-Soli Deo Gloria

In case you ever wondered, the 95 Theses of Martin Luther, ushering the Protestant Reformation can be read at this link.

Happy Reformation and Reformation Sunday or All Saint's Day.

1 comment:

DaisyJ said...


Ricki said...

We are so blessed by your faith. We could not ask for more. I imagine Dave will be wearing Daddy's orange jacket tomorrow. Should be fun in a new church. I love you, mama
October 31, 2009 11:37 PM
Jason Parker said...

Happy Reformation to you, too! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
November 1, 2009 8:34 PM

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Keep on the Sunny Side

The Whites - Keep on the Sunny Side
(Depression Era song)

There's a dark & a troubled side of life
There's a bright, there's a sunny side, too
Tho' we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

[cho:] Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us ev'ry day, it will brighten all the way
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life

The storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear;
Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Let us greet with the song of hope each day
Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our Saviour away
Who keepeth everyone in His care