Thursday, April 15, 2010

All the things of life

I am so grateful to mother these kids of mine. They are my treasures.

Olivia was sick all week last week. She was better this week, mostly, but today she got in the car and said Mommy I feel awful. She put her head down and dozed off for the drive home. Considering that Kedus has strep AGAIN (this is his fourth time since October) I had better have her throat cultured tomorrow. She has never had it, none of us ever had it before the boys did. For that matter, maybe I better get myself a throat culture too, I have had a sore throat for a month. Who knows what that is, but better rule out strep even though I am pretty sure it is not that. I am pretty done with sickness, but that is all part of life. Nothing to fear or dread or be obsessive about avoiding. It happens, we get better. We live in America.
Olivia also had her first musical instrument contest. She and her good friend Gabby played a piece for a judge and did very very well. They got highest marks. Good job "GO" team! Olivia's teacher is recommending that she audition for a kids orchestra here in town that her friend is currently in. We plan to have her do so.

Speaking of Kedus, he is now the proud rider of a TWO wheeled bike WITHOUT training wheels. WOW! He is 5. I am so proud of him. He is also starting to read simple words. He's got the letter sounds down and is now putting them into practice. It is very exciting to see him beginning this road. What a world is opened up by reading. Of course, if you know anything about me, you know I LOVE good books. I have a whole blog for it.  He is also growing. He is the size of any other average 5 year old. Coming home at nearly 4 in a size 2 (too big even) he is doing great. He has also grown into his family very nicely. He is getting ready for Kindergarten in the fall. Let's hope for no more strep throat!

Nate also has done his share of growing and is doing great at 4. He has adapted to family life well. He is so loving and tender hearted. He is also showing a bit of an eye for design. He is often noting how something matches well or he likes the shape of a car or jar or anything. He also likes his socks to match his shirt. Interesting. He is loving school and doing great. He is looking forward to homeschool with mommy next year.

Phoebe is coming closer and closer to being a teen. 7th grade next year. I went to a 7th grade parent meeting at the school. Can it be really happening? My firstborn, my baby girl, my dolly will be going to Jr. High!? Say it can't be! But it is and she is a lovely girl. I am sure she will be a lovely teen. She is already as tall as me and still growing -she hopes anyway. We are so proud of her in every way. What a blessing.


Ricki said...

We love that Olivia is doing so well. Thanks Dave for your great coaching and teaching. Phoebe is indeed LOVELY inside and out. Nate and Kedus are all boy and growing in so many great ways. Love them all. Gram and Grampa

DaisyJ said...

Olivia and I DO NOT have strep. Holding out for NEVER getting it. :) We must have something else and a round of antibiotics is clearing up what looks like a sinus infection and possible ear infection too. Good. Kedus is much better now too. I am so thankful that we can get the meds we need.

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Keep on the Sunny Side

The Whites - Keep on the Sunny Side
(Depression Era song)

There's a dark & a troubled side of life
There's a bright, there's a sunny side, too
Tho' we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

[cho:] Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us ev'ry day, it will brighten all the way
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life

The storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear;
Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Let us greet with the song of hope each day
Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our Saviour away
Who keepeth everyone in His care