Sunday, April 4, 2010

Learning Sept. 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Lately there have been several different messages from different pastors which have been very meaningful in a variety of ways. Some of the things we have been contemplating from what we have been learning from these pastors........
Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Denver: God is not here for the healthy but for the sick. If we think we are healthy we are very mistaken. Not one of us is healthy and without need of a savior.
Dillon Community Church: (Pastor Brian is very amazing!!) Same message as above. God also forgives and in his strength starting over is possible. Not one of us can escape that need, no matter the context. I "start over" every morning. God disciplines those he loves. Discipline is not punishment, it is discipleship. BIG difference that many miss these days.
Beza International, Addis Ababa Ethiopia: We must always be careful to not believe the lies. In life there will be what look like set backs, but it is all in the perspective. Do you believe what looks like failure? Do you look for what God is doing or do you give up? Believe what God has told you and keep that in your focus. Israel (Jacob) knew God's promise of his little family becoming a great nation. But, all his hopes were in Joseph. When the bloody coat was brought to him, there was no explanation, he just jumped to conclusions based on what the facts looked like. But there was more to the story and he did not look further. He allowed his hopes to be dashed. He stoped believing the promise of God. When the truth came that Joseph was alive and ruler of Egypt, he did not believe. He had allowed himself to loose sight of the promise of God. Do we act like Joseph and not look for the truth or do we go further and hold to the promise looking for what God is doing? It is a matter of perspective. Some may say oh this or that situation is too much, it will ruin you, but if you have heard God differently, do not believe them. Believe God and follow where he is leading even if it looks impossible to others. When God calls you, the ordinary is over.
The Bible Study Jill had been doing last year on the Minor Prophets by Rev. James Montgomery Boice: We have been looking over that together. The fact that WE are Israel is so amazing. Israel is condemned on so many accounts. Look at Christians, we are looking at ourselves. What are our idols? Where do we fail to keep the scriptures? And the big question for us.... "what are you NOT doing that God has asked you to do". Initially this led us to adoption. It leads us all over the place. This consideration is rather all encompassing.
Another important thing learned from this Bible study and the experiences of a close friend: When someone does wrong to you, you naturally feel "entitled" to be angry, hate, take revenge, wish or see to it that punishment is given. But, when you are a Christian all that would be sin. As a Christian what our response is to those who do wrong to us is reconciliation, forgiveness and helping them toward redemption. Sometimes we think that punishment is part of this, as in discipline, but discipline is discipleship not punishment. So walk along side them and help them to redemption through discipleship. Sometimes you see examples of this in stories about drunk drivers, etc. While it is hard to do it is what we are instructed to do in the Bible. So, next time someone does something to hurt you intentionally or not, small thing or a really big deal, pray for yourself to love them and to forgive them. Pray for their reconciliation and redemption. Practice it in the small things and when a big thing comes your way you will be able to follow God's direction in this too.
Pastor Chris (Pennsylvania): our time with him at the guest house in Ethiopia gave us some great ideas on church, on what a church should be and do. Some churches are resistant to change and others change too much. Where is the balance? How do you find it?

In all this we have been thinking about a lot of questions. Once again revisiting the "what is a church" question and such. Where does God want us and what are we about? Still thinking......

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Keep on the Sunny Side

The Whites - Keep on the Sunny Side
(Depression Era song)

There's a dark & a troubled side of life
There's a bright, there's a sunny side, too
Tho' we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

[cho:] Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us ev'ry day, it will brighten all the way
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life

The storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear;
Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Let us greet with the song of hope each day
Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our Saviour away
Who keepeth everyone in His care