Sunday, April 4, 2010

Christmas Musings 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas musings

Ok, the boys have been to see Santa.  "Who is he again?"
Ok, controversial, I know but we told them it was a fun game we play at Christmas and other families choose to play the game however they want and some kids don't know it's a game so don't tell. We talked about Saint Nickolas, and all the other ideas of Santa all over the world. Gifts are from family.
So, then we get, "He's a fun game, right mama?"
"Right, a very fun game, I like the Santa game."
"Can I believe he's real mama?"
"Of course, that is up to you."
"Ok, Santa is a fun game mama!"

We didn't do Santa with the girls when they were really little. PJ saw him in the mall when she was in Preschool and asked who is that clown? We said it is a Christmas clown, his name is Santa Claus. No more questions at all from her. But, then in Kindergarten someone asked O who brings her gifts at Christmas and she said Santa. WHAT? After that we did the Santa game. I like him better now that I have done a ton of research on his ancient history.......... oh he pre dates St. Nick and any other idea of him you can find in the traditional lore. Not so nice a character really. He's much better jolly. :)

They all know the Biblical Christmas story by heart and can tell each part so well, even the boys know it and love it. That is the joy of Christmas. 

Oh, and did you know that Santa's reindeer live at my parents house. Yes, their resident deer impressed the boys! N exclaimed " Hey look, Santa's reindeer are on the porch! Here at Grampa and Grams!" Or at least that is what I got from the very excited jumbled rambelings! ...........Santa's reindeer........ porch....... Grampa's!  Cute.

All ready for Christmas. After seeing so much poverty the four older ones of us really want simple things for Christmas. Things we need. (of course it is not hard to come up with a dream list, but not really think we ought to have it). The two younger of us, who before coming here were in such poverty we can not imagine. They want everything. Yea, they even need it all. Oh, the joy of preschoolers. Good thing we rarely watch tv or go to toy stores.

The joy and peace of Christmas. I was pondering it today on the way to church and then again as we were in the car after the service. The Christmas songs that are somewhat melancholy in verse and joyful in chorus represent the season to me more than the ones full of exuberance. The melancholy verses: When it all really happened, the Israelites had long lost hope of the promised Messiah. At least most of them. They still knew the prophesies but had given up the coming in their time to wishful thinking and impossibilities. How often have so many done the same down through the ages. Even now, the neighbor in dire circumstances, the homeless family on the street, the women stuck in undesirable situations, the abused child, even ourselves in our everyday life that sometimes seems so hard,sometimes the world does crash in and all hope seems lost, sometimes when we look within we just can not see the way out. But, he came. He came to the poor in spirit, the downtrodden, those who had lost hope for redemption. Who of us is good enough to redeem?  None, but redeem he does. Every day, every hour, every minute. There in is the chorus of joy, inexplicable joy. Redeemed, not on my merit but on the desire of Jesus who loves despite our unholiness and gives us his holiness. WOW! And that is peace to the world. While I have long understood this, I don't know that I could have expressed it well until this year. I understand, I know, I live in that Peace; Jesus is enough for me. No matter the circumstances, no matter the trial, the worldly pressures, the temptations, no matter the wickedness around us. That peace is Jesus in me and for me.

Merry Christmas to you all and May His Peace dwell in you this Christmas and always.

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Keep on the Sunny Side

The Whites - Keep on the Sunny Side
(Depression Era song)

There's a dark & a troubled side of life
There's a bright, there's a sunny side, too
Tho' we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

[cho:] Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us ev'ry day, it will brighten all the way
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life

The storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear;
Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Let us greet with the song of hope each day
Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our Saviour away
Who keepeth everyone in His care